Friday, April 27, 2012

Growing up on YouTube

Hey guys :) It's been awhile since I began this journey on YouTube and it's been a very rewarding experience for my family and I. Not only has it helped us heal a bit from the loss of a loved one, but it has helped us connect with others and we dig that. Though, I have to say, one thing I think I'm really noticing is the longer my friends and I do the YouTube gig, the more secular things get and I really am kind of disappointed by that. I expected just the opposite to happen, but I think that's just how it goes and it truly is a shame in a way. I think everyone is doing YouTube for a different reason and I have to say my reasons have changed numerous times on the "why" factor. But, the underlying reason why I make videos and am part of the YouTube community is because I just really like to do it. Lately my view counts, comments, and my subscribers have been pretty stale and I think it's because in general, I'm a dad with two kids and really... who is the audience for that? But, then again, when I think about it, those that are the audience, end up being those who I really care about.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Strip Searches Constitutional?!

Well it seems like another month goes by in which more of our freedoms are taken away from us. Yet, something even more disturbing seems to be taking place in America.... no one cares. Check on my new channel WTFFTW and subscribe to talk about recent topics and issues. Below is a video I have linked to a few of my sites, but I thought it important to link it here too as it seems there are more sleepwalkers than ever before.

Friday, April 13, 2012

RanTz - the FUture UNEDITED

Remember being a kid and watching all the cool shit we were supposed to have through movies and tv shows? Yeah didn't happen lol. I drank a bit of wine this night and decided for my health it best I just rant about it a bit. Here is one of the episodes I do called RanTz unedited. This is what I see before I chop it up and post it here:

Enjoy the unedited version lol

Friday, April 6, 2012


Lip syncing mariachi style. It's fun when your kids are just as crazy as you are :)~