Tuesday, December 2, 2014


In case you all didn't know Chelsea & I have created a new channel called Punk & Princess. The channel is a channel meant to show off our wonderful personalities and is geared for the older audience. You can go find it by clicking on this link: Punk & Princess <-- Click & Subscribe!

We are already having great fun on the channel and have started a new series on there called Princess Sings where the premise is that Chelsea wants to be on the Ellen Degeneres show and sing for her audience. The great part is that she purposefully sings horrible and it's so fun to make these videos. It was her idea to take these popular songs and completely and utterly destroy them lol.

Here is a sample below:

If you like what we are up to please support us by sharing and subscribing! Thanks to all who have done so thus far! We think the world of you! I only see this getting better and better lol