Friday, December 16, 2011

Epic John Fist Troll

My friend max from FloydFunctionsX and I awhile back came up with this fun idea to spark some soap opera type controversy between the character he plays he names John Fist and I. We are having a blast with this idea and will continue it as the initial feedback we got from this was amazing. I didn't realize I was such a good actor. Must have been all those years of playing poker lol. Some people are really taking this seriously and Max and I are just that sick and twisted to keep this up lol. The idea is to portray John Fist as delusional, mental, and on the edge of insanity as he becomes more twisted in his belief that he is a famous actor. I don't know what to expect from Max, if he's going to run with this, or come back at me with his own twist to "thraushtins" lol. Whatever happens, I anxiously await lol. The video is below, I shot this before my flip-cam went belly up ;)~

I'm not worried about posting this here as not many people follow my blog. But for those of you who know this is an epic troll... shhhh. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pieces of Her

I think one of the hardest things about being a widow is knowing that my children really never got to know Amy like I did. They were very young when she passed and although Zoe has some memory of Amy she really can't grasp on to much because she was 5 and my son was 2. Watching them grow up at such a crazy pace has me thinking on some mornings like this.... where does the time go?

It makes me realize how important it is to focus on the things that matter and let go of the things I can not change. I want her to know that our kids are awesome and that she's part of the reason why. I know there's really no way to make that happen and that gets to me. When I look at them I see pieces of her and that to me is how I get through sometimes.