Sunday, September 23, 2012

I'm on Athene's Channel? GTFO!!!

So, sometime around 2pm, my phone starts going off saying droid, droid, droid, droid... you get the picture. I have my droid tied to my thraushtins youtube account and apparently athenewins decided to spotlight me in their TTTT Spotlight series (How cool is that?). However, at the time I thought the phone was malfunctioning lol. I've been watching athene since the old school days.. in fact i remember hitting subscribe to them when they only had a few thousand subscribers. Here's the vid they did on my youtube channel :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Had a nice relaxing lunch break the other day. The sky was a brilliant blue, the temperature was perfect, I was rocking out the old man look, and so I thought what better time to contemplate silly humans. I also thought, why not share my thoughts with my friends and supporters hehe. So what do you think makes us human? What is your best explanation of what we are and why we are any different from animals? Are we animal and does are striving to become a perfect being make us human? If we then become perfect then are we still human and is it possible to be perceptually perfect? LoL Way to many questions so I thought I'd share them with you. Oh and the really cool thing besides all this is I can make custom thumbnails on my YouTube videos now :)~ Check out my vid below and if you are into deep thinking check out the links to my Ipower series at the end.