Saturday, February 14, 2015

Times They Are a Changin'

It's funny, the older you get, the clearer life becomes. The answers to once important, age old questions like, "Why are we here? and Who am I?" become simple. The answer, well it's the same answer your parents gave to you when they thought your childhood questions were silly or pointless. The answer was, "Because."

Life is as hard or as simple as you make it. Through it all, external forces will always make sure to throw your internals off balance or vice versa. There is a duality to life that can be scary and comforting. But, what I find is that, if you focus so much on the questions or the answers, you forget that at this very moment you are alive. You forget that you are here and you forget that you are experiencing. You begin to worry and you find yourself stuck, smack dab in the middle of a bleak landscape that you, yourself trapped you in.

I couldn't see the forest from the trees when I was younger, but now I am beginning to see the canopy and the paths that were always there. I'm not the first to walk them and I sure as hell won't be the last. But, I know now that that the forest is experienced by many and we all will have to go through those parts. And that knowledge in itself is sometimes all you need to realize that the times they are a changin', at least for me they are.

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