It's really fun watching my friend Einar proceed forward on his journey to become something more or perhaps something more of what he wishes to see in himself, than what he started out as. But, isn't that how we all start our journey? Here he is doing an interview with the very well known David Icke. Anyone who knows Einar and I know that we are the type of people who consistently search for answers to the very meaning of life and our purpose as a species. Why? To gain a different perspective on our lives, so that we may view this life in a way that gives us an advantage in finding that which holds great divinity to us, truth. You may not believe anything in this interview. I myself am skeptical of more than a few of the topics brought up in this video, but given an open mind and allowing yourself to understand the forces at work here; forces that guide humanity beyond the limitations of our senses, you will pick something up... and that is what I love about Einar's vision... the way in which he perceives events is like no other and he is beginning to exercise this muscle through film making. I see the evolution of just how he will become Einar Kuusk amazingly well and will always love him for the Einar he is, for the Einar he is becoming, and for the Einar he will become.
Here's another step in Einar's journey forward becoming Einar:
Here's another step in Einar's journey forward becoming Einar:
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