Starting a gaming community is the best fun I've had in awhile. We are still relatively small, but I know that we will continue to grow and in the meantime we are gaming together! Just check out a new series I am putting on our Network called Battlefield 4 Online Highlights!
It's really fun watching my friend Einar proceed forward on his journey to become something more or perhaps something more of what he wishes to see in himself, than what he started out as. But, isn't that how we all start our journey? Here he is doing an interview with the very well known David Icke. Anyone who knows Einar and I know that we are the type of people who consistently search for answers to the very meaning of life and our purpose as a species. Why? To gain a different perspective on our lives, so that we may view this life in a way that gives us an advantage in finding that which holds great divinity to us, truth. You may not believe anything in this interview. I myself am skeptical of more than a few of the topics brought up in this video, but given an open mind and allowing yourself to understand the forces at work here; forces that guide humanity beyond the limitations of our senses, you will pick something up... and that is what I love about Einar's vision... the way in which he perceives events is like no other and he is beginning to exercise this muscle through film making. I see the evolution of just how he will become Einar Kuusk amazingly well and will always love him for the Einar he is, for the Einar he is becoming, and for the Einar he will become.
Here's another step in Einar's journey forward becoming Einar:
It's been really cool to see my gaming channel start to grow. It's really slow at this point, but I see it happening. If you are interested in joining our community please do so. It's designed not only to be entertainment for you, but to get you involved and perhaps see you play with the group in a video as well! Together we can make Da Gaimez into a group of amazing gamers of all gender and age who OWN!
Really had a great time making this video and it's quite a shame it won't get the views or attention it is deserved. But that won't stop me from making videos. I really just make these because I want to make people think and laugh. I'm really digging my news/political station WTFFTW [What the F*ck For the Win]. Think I'll start making more for the fun of it ;)
About 28 years ago, right around Halloween this time, I decided I knew exactly what I wanted to be for Halloween. While everyone else was dressing up as a pirate or a skeleton, I wanted to be Charlie Chaplin. My parents thought it a bit odd. At least that's the way I remember it. But, being the cool parents they were, they got me the big shoes, the cane, and the derby. I made a pretty decent Chaplin for an eight year old. I used to watch tons of black and white shows as a kid. I'd come home and watch I love Lucy, My Favorite Martian, Leave it to Beaver, and my favvorite The Twilight Zone. But my favorite was when I could catch an old Charlie Chaplin film. I thought this quite appropriate as it was released 73 years ago this very day. It makes me think of what we could all be capable of as humanity...
You can look at that title and laugh just reading it, but amazingly the statement/question/astonishing fact of the matter is that my G+ fanpage is gaining more steam and momentum in under 7 days than facebook has this past year. In under 7 days from creation of my G+ fanpage I have accumulated 68 likes. I'm quite fascinated by this as I used to think that G+ was a joke. Is it possible that Google will dominate when it comes to social networking? Say it ain't so, but from the statistics I see the answer thus far is a resounding yes. Stop by my G+ page and as for facebook... well better catch up.
APologies on not having a blog in some time. It's refreshing to come back to this. I had a little time off from the vlogging and youtube gig because it frankly was needed. I was getting burned out. It's pretty usual. I take at least a month off a year from this because I put so much into this and most times I feel like it doesn't get the attention it deserves. It gets rather frustrating. But, this time I really came back for the few fans we have. Normally it was for me, but I find it interesting that I came back for others. Because of that I have deceided to bring back Da Gaimez & WTFFTW. Those channels are my gaming and news channel. I was posting everything on my main channel, but really I think it was hurting me more than anything else by putting all that diffreent type of content on one channel. This time I have split up content type by putting it on different channels, but the cool thing is that I have also split up my main channel with three polaylists that incorporate all the different type of content and keep the 3 channels fluid. Only time will tell how succesful this new organization will be. So check out my new thraushtins chanel: THRAUSHTINS
Also check out my new videos on Da Gaimez & WTFFTW:
Oh and I would like to take the time to thank all of those who have been with me from the very beginning and support us. Thank you for making us want to make more videos for you! \m/ Keep it Hardcore \m/
There are a lot of things happening in my real life right now. Recently, a family member passed away and it made me reflect a bit on everything and everyone around me. Death does that. We are here for such a short span of time and you really have to live life the way you want to. Of course, you won't always have the freedom to go running off to a tropical island, especially if you have responsibilities that are important to you, like children. However, if in your mind, you can treat each day as a tropical island get away, then you are living life exactly the way you should. I made this video as a reflection point in my life to realize that life, while tragic, is beautiful in it's own way. Roll with the punches and in the end go down fighting no matter the odds.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Really excited as I just got confirmation that I'll be having my stream appear on ATHENE LIVE! Einar moved back to Estonia so our time differences are 7 hours apart and it's hard for us to get together like we used to when he was in Hollywood. NO we aren't mad at each other lol. He's one of my best friends and we occasionally talk when we can. My life has been very busy as of late in real life mode, but I have great plans for my channel. Stay tuned tinheads!
Friday, April 12, 2013
I was listening to Time from the Inception soundtrack and really digging the vibe it threw off. It got me in the song writing sort of mood. A few hours later I cam up with a basic melody and a complicated beat. I took the next day polishing it up a bit, but really haven't quite finished the track exactly the way I want it. Here it is so far in it's early stages:
I went as far as I could go with it and left it as is. That's how song writing is for me. I take them as far as they go and pick them back up to be continued as I feel inspiration. I'm currently writing a new song that I am very excited about. More to come. \m/
Sometimes you have to realize that the mind can imprison the body and effect your health. One has to learn how to quiet the mind to move forward. Here's a blog that might help some of you. I know it has helped me to realize this. It's the next step to becoming the me I want to be.