Tuesday, December 2, 2014


In case you all didn't know Chelsea & I have created a new channel called Punk & Princess. The channel is a channel meant to show off our wonderful personalities and is geared for the older audience. You can go find it by clicking on this link: Punk & Princess <-- Click & Subscribe!

We are already having great fun on the channel and have started a new series on there called Princess Sings where the premise is that Chelsea wants to be on the Ellen Degeneres show and sing for her audience. The great part is that she purposefully sings horrible and it's so fun to make these videos. It was her idea to take these popular songs and completely and utterly destroy them lol.

Here is a sample below:

If you like what we are up to please support us by sharing and subscribing! Thanks to all who have done so thus far! We think the world of you! I only see this getting better and better lol

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Love is Timeless and Independent of Us

I write these primarily for myself so I can look back on these and reflect. I never imagine anyone else really interested in knowing what in the hell goes on in my random day. I shouldn't expect to either should I? Not until recently. I met an amazing girl named Chelsea and I thought to share with myself the story of how love exists independently of itself and is not something that is static but more so active and unequivocally existing in and of itself.

Most of you could likely roll your eyes at this point and sigh saying, "Here this guy goes into the amazingness of love thing..." while also thinking that this read is a complete utter waste of time. I would normally agree with you, but the story I have to share is something that proves the very existence of love itself.

I came from a very normal and regular background. I had the same typical upbringing most of us have had here in the states and got through and currently live in the normal societal hypnotization type atmosphere the majority of us go through here and through it all, fell in love twice. Deep, other worldly side of the rift sci-fi type of love. I really and truly thought that one time is all you got. I thought that the fact that I even had it once and was lucky enough to know what it was, was in fact enough.

The longer I felt that feeling not being a part of me, the more concrete it made for me the notion that love, true deep sacrificial love, was something only one person could experience, if they were extremely lucky, only once. Imagine my surprise when it just recently happened to me again. Beyond all the scientific data and processes of the chemical reactions inside my body going on, love exists in the fact that it is not just coming from the inside. It also comes as an external presence or pressure from the outside in. It permeates the air and surrounds you in a wonderfully hazy, illogical field.

It gives one a hope of sorts that in the end if it all burns down or goes away (because it will, we won't be able to stop it, we aren't meant to be timeless) love still exists.

Love is timeless and independent of us.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Change is the only constant.

Sometimes, well life just doesn't go your way. In my case, that's very often. But, sometimes it's more so than normal and when that happens, you have to remember who you are to you. Me? Well it's Saturday and it's time to relax and be me. As long as I know who I am, I think that in the end, that's all that really matters.

Yea Mon.

Friday, May 2, 2014


It's been awhile since I last wrote an entry for my blog. Apologies. Life has been overwhelming, yet I have learned how to slow things down and focus on exactly what matters in and around me. As I get older, I have become more in touch with myself; my wants and needs. I want to be much more than I am already, but I need to be satisfied with who I am now. All of my life I have been focused on succeeding and feeling as if I get absolutely nowhere. Only recently have I realized that I'm exactly where I need to be and have learned that I am content with that. I realize now what I must do to get where I want to be. I have to let go and at the same time plan. I have to create goals, but also not let the success or failures of the goals define who I am.

This being said I also realize that I can not achieve the goals I have alone. To me, the goals of being a good father come first and foremost. This I have only to rely on myself and the examples of my own father as well as my father-in-law. I am truly greatful for the opportunity of being a father. It has been one of the most deeply impacting experiences of my entire life. I have learned more about myself by being a father than I could had I not been. I believe that if a father is all I will be in this life than I can die a content man.

However, I am a very goal oriented and driven man and I believe it is important for me to stay focused on other challenges that might make me learn more about myself. One goal that I truly wish to succeed at is building a large social platform for people to enjoy. Not only do I wish to build this platform merely to entertain and make others smile, but perhaps to also learn even more about myself from this experience. I have already shared so much in the past three years. It has been a very liberating experience as well as a period of time in which I have learned volumes about myself.

What I ask of you, those of you reading this now, is to help me grow this social platform. I want to see how far I can take this simply because it is there for me and it means much to me. I have always loved to make others smile. I want to start a movement and I want you involved in this growth. I want you to experience my YouTube channels, my Facebook pages, my Twitter accounts, my music on Soundcloud, and even this blog. These are all connections to my past, present, and future me. They are also connections and records of those directly around me in my every day life and that includes you. Every single one of you have an impact on the way I perceive life. Let's see together if we can positively affect others and at the same time be entertained by the experiences and work put into the very platform we build.

How can you help? Simple, in order for this to grow I need you all to simply like and share the videos or creations that I make for you/me/us. I have created a Vlog channel, a Game channel, and a News channel. I have created these genres in hopes that one or more of these channels catch your interest. If they do, I ask you to help me make this a success. I realize I can not do this on my own. I have also realized that this is important to me. Because of this I have taken this to the next step. I have created a schedule for each channel. I feel regularity and stability of the content I create is vitally important to growth.
Below is our new schedule:

Every Tuesday - A new gaming video on Da Gaimez
Every Wednesday - A news video on WTFFTW
Every Thursday - A new vlog on Thraushtins

I have linked all of my channels above, but to make it simpler you can simply go to the thraushtins link to see all of the channels displayed on one page for ease of use.

I will try the best I can to keep the content regular and stick to this schedule. I realize as being a single father there will be times when I can't keep this as regular as I want, but I want to make a commitment to try.

For those of you who I know through YouTube and in my every day life who have helped up to this point... thank you. Thank you for the effort that you have selflessly and graciously put in making these creations stronger which in turn makes my experiences more meaningful.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Losing Amy

Today is the anniversary of my wife's death from cancer. It's been eight years now since her passing. It scares me because each year that passes, it gets harder for me to picture her when I close my eyes or remember the sound of her laughter. I still remember certain things, like how her freckles came out in the summer time on her face and how she hated it or how maternal she was with the children. She was an amazing mother. I wonder how it feels to be the kids and barely remember her or in Devon's case not really even knowing her. I wonder if it feels worse than this. But, over all I feel the loss of her still to this day. As the years pass I realize I have moved on, but I also know there is that part of me that is forever hers and will always be. I like that. I like knowing that if there isn't some amazing cosmos out there when we die and life after death is truly a dark black nothing, that we were written together in time. Knowing that in itself makes me feel better and knowing that also helps me as an individual to move forward and not be stuck in the past. It's a great place to visit, the past, but I wouldn't ever recommend it as a permanent stay for anyone. Last night I picked up my guitar and just though about her... about our time together in time and this is what I wrote; perhaps music is a better translator of thought and depth than words could ever portray:

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Losing Weight

I've been putting off getting in shape for too long. Every new year brings about the same resolve to do something that would get me healthier and every year I find myself in the same spot I did at the beginning of the year... fat. I realized that my son is following in my footsteps and that gave me the resolve I need to move forward and start losing this weight. He wants to do it with me and I think that's awesome. It's hard working like I do non-stop and youtube'ing and trading on the market... and writing all of these run on sentences to find the time to create and maintain a health plan. I'm going to start with nutrition for a week or two and then start with cardio the following weeks/months. After I hit my weight loss goal I will then work on replacing the fat with muscle. I used to be in great shape years ago and that was because I was working from home. I had the time to run and to plan my diet. Now I must move into double time mode and suck it up. I have to do this not only or me, but for the kids. Here's a video of the realization I had to lose the weight I need to lose.