Hello everyone! It's been awhile since a blog post, apologies on that. I'll get back to posting here regularly. I thought I'd talk a bit about my friend Einar Kuusk and his decision to follow his dream to move to Hollywood to become a director. There are many factors against Einar. He has no money. He has no real connections. He's half way across the globe in Estonia and yet, while knowing all this, he goes against it all to follow his dream. There is something special in that. Call me a fool or whatever you will, but it's that very voice in us all that we hear every day. We decide if we act upon it or not and many times we squelch it. We ignore it. We live life not living. To see my friend Einar decide to take action on this inner voice is amazingly inspiring to me. That's why I have sent him some money in hopes that I can watch his journey. To help him in this very little way so that I can watch him realize his dream. Whatever happens it takes a man to make the kind of decision Einar did and anyone looking at this has to respect that. Good luck my friend! \m/