Friday, November 30, 2012

Einar Kuusk Wakes Up

Hello everyone! It's been awhile since a blog post, apologies on that. I'll get back to posting here regularly. I thought I'd talk a bit about my friend Einar Kuusk and his decision to follow his dream to move to Hollywood to become a director. There are many factors against Einar. He has no money. He has no real connections. He's half way across the globe in Estonia and yet, while knowing all this, he goes against it all to follow his dream. There is something special in that. Call me a fool or whatever you will, but it's that very voice in us all that we hear every day. We decide if we act upon it or not and many times we squelch it. We ignore it. We live life not living. To see my friend Einar decide to take action on this inner voice is amazingly inspiring to me. That's why I have sent him some money in hopes that I can watch his journey. To help him in this very little way so that I can watch him realize his dream. Whatever happens it takes a man to make the kind of decision Einar did and anyone looking at this has to respect that. Good luck my friend! \m/

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I'm on Athene's Channel? GTFO!!!

So, sometime around 2pm, my phone starts going off saying droid, droid, droid, droid... you get the picture. I have my droid tied to my thraushtins youtube account and apparently athenewins decided to spotlight me in their TTTT Spotlight series (How cool is that?). However, at the time I thought the phone was malfunctioning lol. I've been watching athene since the old school days.. in fact i remember hitting subscribe to them when they only had a few thousand subscribers. Here's the vid they did on my youtube channel :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Had a nice relaxing lunch break the other day. The sky was a brilliant blue, the temperature was perfect, I was rocking out the old man look, and so I thought what better time to contemplate silly humans. I also thought, why not share my thoughts with my friends and supporters hehe. So what do you think makes us human? What is your best explanation of what we are and why we are any different from animals? Are we animal and does are striving to become a perfect being make us human? If we then become perfect then are we still human and is it possible to be perceptually perfect? LoL Way to many questions so I thought I'd share them with you. Oh and the really cool thing besides all this is I can make custom thumbnails on my YouTube videos now :)~ Check out my vid below and if you are into deep thinking check out the links to my Ipower series at the end.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Midnight Thrashers

When I was 10 and skateboarding had names like Steve Caballero, Adrian Demain, Todd Hasting, Tony Hawk, Chris Iverson, Mike McGill, Lance Mountain, Rodney Mullen, etc, my friends and I decided to buy some new decks and grind at night time. We called ourselves the Midnight Thrashers. I couldn't skate worth a shit and soon gave it up for bmx'ing lol But the point is it was fun as hell! My son last night was grinding on his "rip stik" which is an evolution of the skateboard. Recently they made a video (<--- click to watch) using one of my songs on their official YouTube page :)But that's beside the point. Devon and I decided to start our own Midnight Thrashers club. Here's us chillin out before we made the club official lol.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What's Happenin Yo

Just speaking my mind and thinking of doing more of these for my blog site.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

My son the entertainer.

This was shot the week my kids got back from michigan. I dropped them off for the week to spend some time with their grandpa. When they got back they hugged me like they hadn't seen me in 5 years lol. I missed them too. We went to a family reunion dinner and they were still hungry afterwards. Devon spontaneously decided he wanted to dance and sing for us in the middle of a restaurant. He loves to make people smile and that's what I love about him the most.

He looks a bit like Freddie Mercury in those shades/mustache combo hahaha.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Balloons in the Sky

Heading out to go see the Dark Knight last night (stay tuned on our main channel for zoe's 1 minute movie review on it), we ran into this around sunset:

It's Hall of Fame football time here in Ohio and it's the only time of the year where these people wake up hahaha.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Here's the new intro to my gaming channel:

I should be kicking it off this weekend or next with regular content!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Arcade

Hey all :) I do videos on my blog that I don't post on youtube so come by and check out my blog from time to time. I'm thinking of doing a vlog a day come august. Let me know what you all think. Remember being a kid and going to the arcade? Some of you are too young to remember, but this was the only way you could play video games as a kid in the eighties. It wasn't until nintendo came along that things really started changing in regards to video gaming from home. I shot this shortly after the kids and I saw spider man. Zoe did a review on it on our main channel. It's times like these that really take me back. I remember blowing 5-10 bucks at the arcade every weekend with my dad playing donkey kong, pac man, mappy, spy hunter, and so many classics. I was there for the birth of it and I love watching it evolve. Have fun watching, I know I did:

I'm really looking forward to the launch of my new game channel DaGaimez! Subscribe if you haven't already. Content should be arriving this weekend to the station :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012


This is my latest music video featuring a song I wrote called "Incubus". All of my music is downloadable and copyright free. I am a creative commons artist and I allow anyone to use my music as long as they credit me. Check out more songs here:

Hope you guys enjoy the video:

Saturday, July 7, 2012


It's July and the sun is cooking my skin as I write this. I noticed all over the world the temperatures are redonk. I have to seriously look at people who think global warming isn't real and say... really?! Tell me what you guys think!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Coming Back with a Vengeance

Well, I've been gone for some time now. A bit of an explanation is due I believe? Sure. About two months ago my PC got hit by a lightning strike and went bye-bye. Also, I have been super focused on my RL and getting things in order. These last two months have been nothing less than amazing. If I were to choose one word to describe it... refreshing. I needed a break to focus on my family and start seriously bettering myself, not only financially, but spiritually. And by spiritually I'm not talking religious zealot mode. I'm speaking of looking inside me and fundamentally changing the core of who I am. I wasn't happy and now with focus, goals, and determination, I am. I needed action not talk. So I gave it to me and it worked. The good news is that I am announcing my return to the internet within the next week or two. I will be posting new vids on ALL of my channels and I can't wait for my fam and I to get involved with you again :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Growing up on YouTube

Hey guys :) It's been awhile since I began this journey on YouTube and it's been a very rewarding experience for my family and I. Not only has it helped us heal a bit from the loss of a loved one, but it has helped us connect with others and we dig that. Though, I have to say, one thing I think I'm really noticing is the longer my friends and I do the YouTube gig, the more secular things get and I really am kind of disappointed by that. I expected just the opposite to happen, but I think that's just how it goes and it truly is a shame in a way. I think everyone is doing YouTube for a different reason and I have to say my reasons have changed numerous times on the "why" factor. But, the underlying reason why I make videos and am part of the YouTube community is because I just really like to do it. Lately my view counts, comments, and my subscribers have been pretty stale and I think it's because in general, I'm a dad with two kids and really... who is the audience for that? But, then again, when I think about it, those that are the audience, end up being those who I really care about.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Strip Searches Constitutional?!

Well it seems like another month goes by in which more of our freedoms are taken away from us. Yet, something even more disturbing seems to be taking place in America.... no one cares. Check on my new channel WTFFTW and subscribe to talk about recent topics and issues. Below is a video I have linked to a few of my sites, but I thought it important to link it here too as it seems there are more sleepwalkers than ever before.

Friday, April 13, 2012

RanTz - the FUture UNEDITED

Remember being a kid and watching all the cool shit we were supposed to have through movies and tv shows? Yeah didn't happen lol. I drank a bit of wine this night and decided for my health it best I just rant about it a bit. Here is one of the episodes I do called RanTz unedited. This is what I see before I chop it up and post it here:

Enjoy the unedited version lol

Friday, April 6, 2012


Lip syncing mariachi style. It's fun when your kids are just as crazy as you are :)~

Friday, March 23, 2012

Thraushtins on Bullying

Hi everyone! I did this for one of my favorite youtube friends Amanda aka missalife Go check out her channel and show her some love. She is an amazing woman. She recently asked me to do a vid for her and her class up in canada on bullying. Imagine my surprise when I found out there were mean people in canada!!!! Say it ain't so... say it ain't so! I thought I'd share the video I did for her and her classroom here:

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Kind of Love

Whew hope you all had a great St. Patty's Day. Waking up this morning a few things hit my mind and I kind of felt a bit empty like I was missing something and thought of this song...

Mmmm... Etta definitely can hit those notes and that soul... she hits how I'm feeling dead on. Don't live your life without experiencing it with someone you can enjoy. *sighs*

Time for some hair of the dog.

Monday, March 12, 2012

My Music = Your Music

I'm putting out some more of my music that's free for download. I'm also allowing people to use it in their videos for free as long as they link my youtube main channel ~ I've been writing songs now hardcore literally for one year and have a ton of instrumentals as well as songs with vocals. I'm currently working on a darker album.. bit NIN like. I'm pretty surprised at how diverse my songs have been... from heavy, to dark, to trance, to electronic, and even rap o.0 I'm releasing my songs now as music videos to get them more exposure and to help others have a source of FREE music they don't have to worry about corporate BS on ;) Here's a song I did for a movement called Together To The Top started by the athenewins channel:


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why I love Weekend Warriors

What is Weekend Warriors you may ask? You may ask... do it... no really... ask me. Did I use too many of these "..."? If I'm asking the answer most likely is yes. I'm getting off track... (< lol) Weekend Warriors is a show that I created on my youtube channel sometime in august of 2011. The show features undiscovered youtubers and helps promote their channels as well as giving us all new channels to watch. I feature all types of youtubers on Weekend Warriors. But, the best part about the show is that I post a vote on my facebook page and we all get to vote on our favorite channel! The winner gets a mention on the following week's show. We have a pretty dedicated following of warriors out there so I'm really excited about what's in store ;)~ Check out the promo I made for Weekend Warriors Season 2:

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Morning Music

The best way to wake up on a sunday morning...

Well... it wakes you the F up at the very least ;) \m/ Keep It Hardcore! \m/

Thursday, March 1, 2012



The morning sun glared brightly with a white intensity.
   The rays shown through me as if I were a specter.
   In this surreal moment, I was reminded of my love now gone.
I walked east, drawn towards a large shaded hill.
   The sun glowed white, in it's framed reality, above this shaded hill.
The shaded hill had gathered frost from last night's chill air.
I laid on this hill and let the frosted ground pierce into me.
I, the spectating specter, closed my eyes
While the absence of sound consumed me.
I let nothing experience me completely that morning.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Unedited "Remember the Blue Light"

I get pretty personal here and tell all of you a bit more about me, my real name, what I do for a living, and then go into a very personal story about my past as I am reminded of it because this day was the very day my wife passed 6 years ago. Time to get even more real with all of you.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Why I YouTube

We got the new camera and we are filming new stuff as we speak! I thought since I've been YouTubing for one full year now that I'd get into why I am doing it. No action packed adventure on this one, but it's fun to learn about our history and how we started making videos ;)

Monday, January 16, 2012

1 Minute Movie Review

As we all know (for those who follow me) my daughter Zoe LOVES the camera and anything involved with her being able to be a ham. Well... she's come up with a new idea. here it is:

Dear lord... what have I created? *grins*

Friday, January 6, 2012


I laughed my ass off when my friend Max from FloydFuntionsX sent me his latest video for our 2nd channel Collabolution! Bravo Max bravo! lol

For the full interview click below: